Director of Master in Finance International Program (MIF)
Associate Professor of Finance, Thammasat Business School, Thammasat University
Ph.D., of Economics in Hitotsubashi University
Master of Science Program in Finance Thammasat University
Bachelor of Economics Thammasat University
Military Connected Firms (2022)
A Jaroenjitrkam, S Maneenop
Available at SSRN 4019106
CEO Ownership, Family Ownership, and Stock Performance: Evidence from Thailand (2021)
S Wongakaradeth, S Maneenop
Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal 25, 1-13
Equity Offering Types, Financing Objectives, and Long-run Stock Performance (2021)
S Maneenop, C Padungsaksawasdi
Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal 25, 1-16
Integration in Futures Markets (2020)
A Jaroenjitrkam, C Padungsaksawasdi, S Maneenop
Thailand and The World Economy 38 (3), 61-74
Geopolitical risk and shipping firms’ capital structure decisions in Belt and Road Initiative countries (2020)
S Kotcharin, S Maneenop
International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications 23 (6), 544-560
The impacts of COVID-19 on the global airline industry: An event study approach (2020)
S Maneenop, S Kotcharin
Journal of air transport management 89, 101920
Return and Volatility Spillovers between Stock and Futures Markets in Thailand (2020)
P Sukhonpitumart, A Jaroenjitrkam, S Maneenop, C Padungsaksawasdi
Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal 24 (2), 1-14
Geopolitical risk and corporate cash holdings in the shipping industry (2020)
S Kotcharin, S Maneenop
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 136, 101862
The Giant's Pull: How Macroeconomic Conditions in China Explain Leverage Decisions in Thailand's Shipping SMEs (2018)
S Kotcharin, S Maneenop
The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics 34 (4), 337-344
Foreign Currency Exposure and Performance: An Empirical Study in the Stock Exchange of Thailand (2018)
P Trongmateerut, A Supatthorn, A Jaroenjitrkam, S Maneenop
University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences
Dynamic asset allocation with commodities and stochastic interest rates (2012)
S Maneenop
Traveling wave solutions to the nonlinear evolution equation for the risk preference (2011)
N Ishimura, S Maneenop
JSIAM Letters 3, 25-28
Dynamic Bond-Stock-Commodity Portfolio Optimization: A Numerical Example
S Maneenop
All in the Family: The Role of Related Shareholders in Capital Structure Decisions for the Shipping Industry
S Kotcharin, S Maneenop