MIF classes are mostly arranged on the 2nd floor, Thammasat Business School Building.

Thammasat Business School has two libraries for students: the school’s Main Library and Professor Sangvian Library The Main Library hosts a large collection of textbook in business while Professor Sangvian Library serves varieties of periodicals and functions as an audio visual lab. Students must apply for library membership to receive all the services. With the TBS library cards, students will be automatically be able to use services from all other Thammasat libraries. The University’s main library known as “Pridi Banomyong” Library, is one of Thailand’s largest academic libraries with collections of over 800,000 books. A large amount of books and periodicals of all fields are available here. Other kinds of services are also provided, such as the computerized database searching, the Computer Lab, as well as the Audiovisual Lab.

The facilities of the Computer Center, located on the 4th floor of TBS building, are available for students doing course work and research. The Computer Center is equipped with a broad range of research and teaching oriented software and offers facilities in all major computer languages.TBS building has Wi-Fi facilities. Students can use their laptop to set access to the internet wherever they want within TBS building.
Thammasat University Book Store is located at Tha Prachan Exit of Thammasat University. It is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 19:00 p.m. and Saturday through Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
The post office with overseas fax service available is located on the B1 floor, at the 60th anniversary Thammasat building, near the river. Opens on Monday – Friday from 08.30 a.m. to 04.00 p.m. and from 08.30 a.m. – 12.00 noon on Saturday.