Professor of Finance, DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University, Ontario, Canada
Same as above
DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University, 1280 Main St. West, Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4M4
Professor Charupat has conducted research in the areas of financial innovation, security designs, annuity and insurance products, arbitrage relationship, commodity investment and behavioural finance. He has taught courses in financial derivatives, international finance and personal finance. His research has been published in various journals such as the Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis and Journal of Risk and Insurance. He has also co-authored a textbook on strategic financial planning. Prior to joining McMaster, he worked for an investment bank and a risk-management company.
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D., Finance), York University, Toronto, Canada
Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.), Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA
Bachelor of Accounting (B.B.A.), Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand
Journal Articles
L. F. Ackert, N. Charupat, R. Deaves and B. D. Kluger, "Probability Judgment Error and Speculation in Laboratory Asset Market Bubbles" – Forthcoming in the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
N. Charupat, "The Effects of Derivative Trading on the Underlying Markets: Evidence from the Canadian Instalment Receipts Trading," International Review of Economics and Finance 2006, 15(3): 276-293
L. F. Ackert, N. Charupat, B. K. Church and R. Deaves, "An Experimental Examination of the House Money Effect in a Multi-Period Setting," Experimental Economics April 2006: 5-16
L. F. Ackert, N. Charupat, B. K. Church and R. Deaves, "Margin, Short Selling and Lotteries in Experimental Asset Markets," Southern Economic Journal October 2006: 419-436
N. Charupat, R. Deaves and E. Lüders, "Knowledge and Knowledge Perception," Journal of Personal Finance 2005, 4(2): 50-61
N. Charupat and C. S. Cheung, "Secondary Equity Offerings: the Case of Instalment Receipts," Research in Finance 2004
N. Charupat and R. Deaves, "How Behavioral Finance Can Assist Financial Professionals," Journal of Personal Finance 2004, 3(3): 41-52
N. Charupat and E. Z. Prisman, "An Essay on Financial Innovations: The Case of Instalment Receipts," Journal of Banking and Finance January 2004: 129-156
N. Charupat and R. Deaves, "Backwardation in energy futures markets: Metallgesellschaft revisited," Energy Studies Review Fall 2003:1-263
N. Charupat and M. A. Milevsky, "Optimal Asset Allocation in Life Annuities: A Note," Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, April 2002: 199-209
N. Charupat and M. A. Milevsky, "Mortality Swaps and Tax Arbitrage in the Insurance and Annuity Markets," Journal of Risk and Insurance, June 2001: 277-302
N. Charupat and E. Z. Prisman, "Financial Innovations and Arbitrage Pricing in Economies with Frictions: Revisited," Journal of Economic Theory, June 1997: 435-447
Financial innovation; exchange-traded funds; life annuities
Financial innovation, derivatives, insurance, annuities, arbitrage relationship, behavioural finance, commodity investment, personal finance
MF650 - Financial Derivatives I