White Knights or Machiavellians? Understanding the motivation for reverse takeovers in Singapore and Thailand (2019)
P Pavabutr
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 1-19
Big Data in Financial Research: Applications in Equity Trading (2019)
P Pavabutr, S Watakit
A Window into Thai Mutual Fund Managers’ Perception and Decision-Making Process (2017)
A Charoenrook, P Pavabutr
Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies
Differential Impact of Foreign Portfolio Flows on Emerging Market Returns: Evidence from Thailand (2014)
P Pavabutr, H Yan
Pricing of liquidity risk in emerging markets: Evidence from Greater China (2012)
K Davivongs, P Pavabutr
Stock splits in a retail dominant order driven market (2010)
P Pavabutr, K Sirodom
Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 18 (5), 427-441
Price discovery in the Indian gold futures market (2010)
P Pavabutr, P Chaihetphon
Journal of Economics and Finance 34 (4), 455-467
Mutual fund flows in Asian equity markets (2010)
P Pavabutr, K Sirodom
International Colloquium on Business & Management 2007-2010
Price discovery in Indian gold futures market (2010)
P Chaihetphon, P Pavabutr
Journal of Economics and Finance 34 (4), 455-467
Liquidity and Trading Cost Segmentation in Asia Pacific Equity Markets (2009)
P Pavabutr, K Sirodom, G Tian
Tick size change on the stock exchange of Thailand (2009)
P Pavabutr, S Prangwattananon
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 32 (4), 351-371
Liquidity Provision in Asian Equity Markets (2009)
P Pavabutr, B Thammasat, G Tian
The impact of stock splits on price and liquidity on the stock exchange of Thailand (2008)
P Pavabutr, K Sirodom
International Research Journal of Finance and Economics 20 (20), 1-22
The impact of foreign portfolio flows on emerging market volatility: evidence from Thailand (2007)
P Pavabutr, H Yan
Australian Journal of Management 32 (2), 345-368
Market Microstructure: What can we learn fromThailand ultra-high frequency data on the Stock Exchange of Thailand? (2007)
P Pavabutr, K Sirodom
Thammasat Review 12 (1), 147-175
Foreign portfolio flows and emerging markets: lessons from Thailand (2004)
P Pavabutr
Foreign portfolio flows and emerging market returns: Evidence from Thailand (2003)
P Pavabutr, H Yan
University of Texas at Austin, Mimeo
An evaluation of MLPM allocation rules on emerging markets portfolios (2003)
P Pavabutr
Emerging Markets Review 4 (1), 73-90
Sustaining growth: Thailand at the crossroads (1993)
P Pavabutr
Market Microstructure: What can we learn from ultra-high frequency data on the Stock Exchange of Thailand?
P Pavabutr, K Sirodom