Deputy Director of the Financial Stability Unit (FSU), Bank of Thailand
Ph.D. in Economics University of Chicago
B.A. in Mathematics and Economics Williams College (with Honors in Mathematics)
1. Proposal of New Hybrid PD Estimation Models for the Low Default Portfolios (LDPs), Empirical
Comparisons and Policy Implications (Bank of Thailand’s Discussion Paper)
2. Challenges on the Validation of PD Models for Low Default Portfolios (LDPs) and Regulatory Policy
Implications (Bank of Thailand’s Discussion Paper)
3. Measuring Systemic Risk and Financial Linkages in the Thai Banking System (Bank of Thailand’s
Discussion Paper)
4. Measuring the Level of Competition in the Loan Market of the Thai Banking Industry Using the Boone
Indicator (Bank of Thailand’s Discussion Paper)
5. The Impact of Bank-Nonbank Mergers on the Fiscal Income Structure: A Theoretical Approach